Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словами in one. Страница четыре

Фразеологизмы со словами in one. Страница четыре

have rocks in one's head
To be stupid; not have good judgment.
When Mr. James quit his good job with the coal company to begin teaching school, some people thought he had rocks in his head.
heart in one's mouth
heart in one's boots
A feeling of great fear or nervousness. Often considered trite.
Charles got up to make his first speech with his heart in his mouth.
My heart was in my mouth as I went into the haunted house.
When the bear came out of the woods towards us, our hearts were in our mouths.
hole in one
A shot in golf that is hit from the tee and goes right into the cup.
Many golfers play for years before they get a hole in one.
in one fell swoop
at one fell swoop
In one attack or accident; in one bad blow.
The millionaire lost his money and his friends at one fell swoop.
At one time; at the same time.
Three cars drove into the driveway, and Mrs. Crane's dinner guests all arrived at one fell swoop.
in one's bad graces
Not approved by; not liked by.
John was in his mother's bad graces because he spilled his milk on the tablecloth.
Don got in the bad graces of the teacher by laughing at her hat.
in one's behalf
on one's behalf
For someone else; in your place.
My husband could not be here tonight, but I want to thank you on his behalf.
For the good of another person or group; as a help to someone.
My teacher went to the factory and spoke in my behalf when I was looking for a job.
in one's blood
into one's blood
Agreeing perfectly with one's sympathies, feelings, and desires.
Living in a warm section of the country gets in your blood.
The woods got into Jim's blood.
in one's cups
The man was in his cups and talking very loudly.